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Fix For One Linux Shortcoming

May 5, 2000 — by Rick Lehrbaum — from the LinuxDevices Archive — views

Charles Babcock of [email protected] week offers a perspective on MontaVista's newly released open-source real-time scheduler for Linux embedded systems . . .

“MontaVista Software, supplier of Hard Hat Linux, said it has the answer for one of the shortcomings of Linux as an embedded system: a real-time scheduler for the Linux kernel.”

“. . . while established real-time OSes have real-time schedulers, Linux has lacked one, given its primary development as a server and desktop system.”

“A real-time scheduler for Linux can take real-time data inputs from a medical monitor, factory-floor machine or other functioning device and execute needed OS functions on the data, ahead of the regular Linux scheduler said Kevin Morgan, vice president of engineering at MontaVista.”

“MontaVista's approach has been to add the scheduler to the Linux kernel, not as a second kernel underneath Linux or as a separate component . . .”

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Related stories:
MontaVista unveils transparent real-time scheduler for Linux (news)
MontaVista Partners with FSMLabs for RTLinux (news)
Configurable Linux Real-Time Scheduler (link)

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