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“Free” QNX downloads top 200,000

Oct 2, 2000 — by LinuxDevices Staff — from the LinuxDevices Archive — 1 views

QNX reports that there have now been over 200,000 downloads of the “free” version of QNX on the company's website. “With over 45,000 pre-registered users and developers, we expected a healthy response,” said QNX President Gordon Bell. “But truth is, we've been blown away — not just by the sheer number of downloads, but by the rave reviews people are giving the platform itself.”

Anyone… can download the QNX realtime platform free for non-commercial purposes, from Once the platform is downloaded, the user can install it either as a file within Windows or in a separate partition. Either way, installation is simple, since the platform automatically detects the hardware on most PCs.

The platform supports an Internet browser, a GNU toolchain, tools, and all the applications you need to play multimedia off the web (RealPlayer, Flash, etc.). Despite its rich functionality, the platform can run in a fraction of the memory required by conventional desktop OSs.

The noncommercial version of the QNX realtime platform is also available on CD, for US $29.95. The platform is free for use by developers and individuals, but requires licensing before QNX can be shipped as part of a product.

This article was originally published on and has been donated to the open source community by QuinStreet Inc. Please visit for up-to-date news and articles about Linux and open source.

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