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Free simulator enables desktop debug of RTLinux apps

Jul 7, 2000 — by LinuxDevices Staff — from the LinuxDevices Archive — views has announced CarbonKernel 1.2, a GPL-released real-time operating system (RTOS) API simulator that includes the first public release of a simulation model mimicking RTLinux, the popular real-time Linux add-on. The simulator allows tracing the execution of embedded software at source code level, and provides concurrent target debugging capabilities, UI simulation, and more.

Concerning the current release (CarbonKernel 1.2), Philippe Gerum says “the RTLinux personality for CK is based on the characteristics of RTLV3.0pre6. Even if this is an early release, more than 80 services are already simulated, so I hope many of you will give it a try. I'll be glad to receive any feedback, bug reports, comments, questions and suggestions, so I can improve this model.”

CarbonKernel source and binary distributions are available at Sourceforge, here. The CarbonKernel main site is The CarbonKernel mailing list is [email protected]

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