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FSMLabs adds StrongARM support to RTLinux distro

Mar 15, 2002 — by LinuxDevices Staff — from the LinuxDevices Archive — views

Socorro, NM — (press release excerpt) — FSMLabs announced today that its RTLinux/Pro hard-real-time operating system now supports the StrongArm processor. RTLinux/Pro and FSMLabs RTLinux/Pro Embedded Linux Development Kit for StrongARM will start shipping to customers by the end of March. FSMLabs will offer RTLinux/Pro for other members of the ARM processor family during Q2 2002.

FSMLabs Director of Engineering Cort Dougan reports that “RTLinux/Pro performance on StrongARM is outstanding, stress tests are not producing interrupt latencies of more than 16 microseconds and we expect improvements as we optimize.” FSMLabs will support the low-cost and rugged Compaq IPAQ as the initial reference development platform.

RTLinux/Pro support for StrongARM is expected to be complimented in the next two weeks by at least two upcoming releases of RTLinux/GPL for StrongARM from the RTLinux open source developer community.

FSMLabs RTLinux kernel is a hard real-time POSIX 1003.13 compatible operating system that runs either Linux or BSD Unix as a pre-emptible thread. The real-time kernel provides a familiar POSIX threads/signal base for software requiring low microsecond level worst case interrupt latencies and ultra-precise scheduling while non-time critical components of applications can run in the feature rich UNIX environment. RTLinux/Pro is the professional version of RTLinux with an extensive set of productivity enhancements options including the rtLnet real-time networking layer.

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