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FSMLabs releases RTLinux version 3.0-pre8

Oct 3, 2000 — by Rick Lehrbaum — from the LinuxDevices Archive — 1 views

Announcement from the FSMLabs website . . .

RTLinux 3.0-pre8 is now available. We expect this to be the last pre-release before a final 3.0. Please take a look and send us any bugs, missing features, suggestions or kudos. All users of V3.0pre7 are strongly encouraged to upgrade to this new release.

Highlights include:

  • Important bug fixes
  • HTML documentation
  • Debugger for the PowerPC
  • Installation procedure changes
Maintainers of other packages please make sure your software works with 3.0 and let us know what you need included in the RTLinux 3.0 release.

A short list of features in the 3.0 series:

  • Based on Linux kernels 2.4.0-test1 (Alpha, PPC, x86) and 2.2.16 (x86).
  • Supports x86 (SMP and UP), PowerPC (UP), Alpha (UP).
  • PPC, Alpha, x86 support for kernels 2.3 and 2.4. x86 works with 2.2 kernels, as well.
  • User-level realtime. If you can write POSIX signal code you can write user-level RTLinux code.
  • A RTLinux debugger, with the familiar GDB interface.
  • Cleaned up and improved examples.
  • Experimental “reserve_cpu” feature that can reserve processors on a SMP system to only run RT components — to suspend Linux. This feature works only on x86 and is poorly tested. An example of how to use it is in examples/misc/reserve_cpu.c.
RTLinux is available for download (including sources), here.

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