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Gates addresses growing Linux threat

Feb 12, 2003 — by LinuxDevices Staff — from the LinuxDevices Archive — views

Writing at eWEEK, Peter Galli reports on comments made yesterday by Microsoft chairman Bill Gates at a meeting the Microsoft “Most Valuable Professionals” (MVPs). The article offers an interesting look at how Microsoft currently perceives the growing Linux threat, and provides some insight into what Microsoft's approach to competing with embedded Linux might be. Galli writes . . .

” . . . there are things that the free model is never going to do well, whether it is testing or support or innovations where a risk has to be taken across all the boundaries of the different modules. That kind of testing, that uniformity, is done well by commercial software companies. As an example, Gates cited the development of the Tablet PC, where there had to be a handwriting group, an Office group and a user interface group, all coordinated into one step . . .”

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