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GNU Bayonne announces support for Aculab Hardware

Mar 8, 2002 — by LinuxDevices Staff — from the LinuxDevices Archive — views

An announcement from the GNU Bayonne project . . .

Dave Sugar, a GNU package maintainer, announced support for Aculab hardware under GNU Bayonne as part of release 0.7.6 released earlier today. Aculab digital span card support will further broaden GNU Bayonne as a platform of choice for delivering high end enterprise and carrier class voice telephony application services using free software… platforms such GNU/Linux.

A working implementation of Aculab support was provided primarily by a project contributor, David Kerry. This further demonstrates how Free Software can make rapid advances thru the shared resources of many people working in open collaboration around the world. This demonstrates just one of the ways Free Software licensing can bring both real innovation and multiply the value of existing applications.

In addition to supporting Aculab hardware, a number of important improvements have been made in GNU Bayonne support for Intel/Dialogic digital span cards. Additional enhancements have also been introduced in the GNU Bayonne scripting language to simplify application development. These changes should enable rapid development of new and innovative telephony services under GNU/Linux.

GNU Bayonne also supports analog telephony hardware such as made by companies like Voicetronix hardware, and inexpensive CAPI cards, enabling small office and individual use telephony applications to be created cost effectively.

GNU Bayonne and all related non-hardware specific software needed for building and running it may be found at the GNU ftp site ( Individual drivers and telephony hardware related libraries are provided directly from the respective vendors. All information about GNU Bayonne may be found at the GNU Bayonne project website.

GNU Bayonne is Free Software and a standard package in the GNU project and is also part of the broader GNU and free Telephony effort that is directed under GNUCOMM. GNU Bayonne is also used as a part of GNU Enterprise. No so called “Intellectual Property” was destroyed in the creation of GNU Bayonne or this announcement.

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