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GNU GCC project releases GCC version 3.1

May 16, 2002 — by LinuxDevices Staff — from the LinuxDevices Archive — views

Version 3.1 of GCC has been announced by the GNU GCC project . . .

In this release, we focused more on quality than new features; many bugs were fixed. We worked very hard to fix bugs that were introduced in GCC 3.0, but that were not present in previous releases of the compiler. We also worked hard to eliminate new bugs.

We have continued to improve the standards conformance in the C, C++ and Java compilers, added support for profile-directed optimizations, improved support for many chips used in embedded systems, added an Ada compiler, and added support for the x86-64 architecture.

For a list of many — but by no means all — of the changes available in this release, see here.

The release is available from FTP servers.

See here for more information about how to obtain and install GCC.

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