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GNU X-Tools update expands ARM support

Mar 3, 2003 — by LinuxDevices Staff — from the LinuxDevices Archive — 1 views

(PR excerpt) — Microcross today released GNU X-Tools ARM / Thumb Toolsuite v3.2, which now supports all ARM variants. This GNU distribution is the latest stable toolsuite based on GNU GCC v3.2 and is derived from the standard distribution of GNU tools, which supports more hosts and target processors than any embedded development toolsuite in existence.

This version of GNU tools combines the ARM and Thumb toolsuites into one toolsuite, thereby saving the developer the added expense of purchasing two standard toolsuites like in GCC v2.95.2. Moreover, the GNU tools offer more cost savings per feature than any toolchain available on the commercial market. Their popularity comes from years of maturity and usage on every viable host operating system in existence over the past 15 years.

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