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Graphics chipmaker announces Linux support

Nov 8, 2000 — by Rick Lehrbaum — from the LinuxDevices Archive — views

San Jose, CA — (press release excerpt) — Silicon Motion Inc. today announced that it is providing integrated graphics chips that fully support the newest Linux operating system. Silicon Motion offers the following set of functions for Linux based applications:

  • A power management capability that reduces power consumption
  • Dual-display technology that allows two independent applications to… run simultaneously
  • Screen rotation
  • 3D graphics (through Direct Rendering Interface (DRI) support)
  • Movie and DVD playback capability
  • Video capture feature that supports live motion video
“We are committed to supporting the Linux community as it moves into the mobile products market,” said Wallace Kou, president and CEO of Silicon Motion. Kou said the company intends to “explore growth opportunities in a variety of emerging markets such as mobile computing products, wireless devices and Internet appliances.”

Silicon Motion's Lynx product family includes the LynxEM, LynxEM+ and Lynx3DM that are designed to be pin-compatible, which allows end-users the flexibility to integrate the controller into various products without incurring board redesign costs for the graphic subsystem.

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