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Green Hills claims #1 growth spot in 2001 hard-RTOS market

Mar 5, 2002 — by LinuxDevices Staff — from the LinuxDevices Archive — views

Santa Barbara, CA — (press release exerpt) — Green Hills Software Inc. today announced that it has achieved the greatest market share growth in 2001 among embedded RTOSes addressing “hard real-time requirements,” according to a study released this month by Venture Development Corp. (VDC), a leading technology market research firm.

In its latest study, entitled “Embedded Software Strategic Market Intelligence Program: Volume IV,” published February, 2002, VDC reports on the worldwide market for all embedded operating systems for the year 2001. According to the VDC report, the embedded operating system market is estimated to top $663.8 million in 2001 shipments. This includes shipments of embedded operating systems from Microsoft (Windows XP Embedded, Windows CE), Palm (PalmOS), VenturCom (Windows), Symbian (SymbianOS), Sun (Solaris) and several vendors of embedded Linux. It also includes shipments of hard real-time operating system (RTOS) shipments from Green Hills Software, Wind River Systems, QNX, OSE Systems, Microware, Accelerated Technologies and Express Logic. In the hard RTOS segment, which accounted for $300 million, GHS experienced the fastest growth in market share.

“Green Hills Software gained significant market share in 2001, and emerged as a leading RTOS provider,” reported Steve Balacco, senior research analyst for Venture Development Corp. “Green Hills' strategic move into the RTOS space was elevated by the recent selection of their INTEGRITY RTOS by Lockheed Martin for use in the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter.”

A picture of RTOS Market Share Growth for 2001 is available, showing all companies included in the “hard real-time” subset who showed growth in 2001. Data for Microsoft's Windows CE3.0, which claims 30-50 microsecond response capability, was not broken out in the VDC report, and so is included among Microsoft's total embedded OS numbers in the “non-hard-real-time” category.

This picture shows that Green Hills Software achieved the greatest RTOS market share growth for 2001.

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