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Guest column: The joys and perils of open-source life

Nov 10, 2000 — by Rick Lehrbaum — from the LinuxDevices Archive — views

In this “guest column,” Karim Yaghmour, maintainer of the open-source Linux Trace Toolkit (LTT) project, offers a perspective on some of his experiences and insights gained over the past two years of managing an important free software project. Yaghmour also reviews the history of the development of the LTT and discusses current status and future plans for the project. Yaghmour writes . . .

“In light of recent events on the tracing tools side of Linux, some reflections came to mind which I would like to share with the Linux community. It is my hope that my perspective and experience as a maintainer of an open-source project called the Linux Trace Toolkit (LTT) and as a consultant in the open-source field may be helpful to others in understanding how the open-source movement is evolving. After all, this is what I specialize in: helping people understand complex systems.”

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