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Guest editorial: Microsoft’s Ironic Valentine

Mar 7, 2001 — by Rick Lehrbaum — from the LinuxDevices Archive — views

In this guest editorial at, Red Hat chief technology officer Michael Tiemann responds to recent attacks by Microsoft on Open Source and Linux. Tiemann writes . . .

“February is the month most Americans reserve for sending notes to loved ones, but Microsoft sent anything but hugs and kisses this year in a series of interviews criticizing the Open Source community. Following Steve Ballmer's proclamation that Linux is currently the greatest threat to Microsoft, a handful of Microsoft executives began a rather reckless attack of Open Source — and everything related to it. Doug Miller piped in with 'there's little value in free' and James Allchin boldly cried that Open Source is an 'intellectual property destroyer' that 'kills innovation.' “

“Microsoft should have sent the Open Source community a big box of candy and dozens of roses. Open Source software has been the epicenter of some of the greatest innovations of our industry — namely, the Internet. And these innovations have benefited Microsoft handsomely. Sound ridiculous? Let me explain . . .”

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