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Hewlett-Packard will acquire Compaq Computer [CNET]

Sep 3, 2001 — by Rick Lehrbaum — from the LinuxDevices Archive — views

Steven Musil and Jeff Pelline of CNET report that Hewlett-Packard will acquire Compaq Computer in a stock swap worth about $25 billion, the companies announced late Monday. Musil and Pelline write . . .

“The deal would merge two of the biggest names in computers, printers and computer servers, and would have total revenue only slightly less than IBM, the largest computer company.”

“Carleton Fiorina, the chairman and chief executive of HP, will become the new company's chairman and CEO, while Compaq's Chairman and CEO Michael D. Capellas will become president of the new entity. Capellas and four other Compaq board members will join HP's board . . .”

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