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High availability in-memory database for mission critical apps

Mar 11, 2003 — by LinuxDevices Staff — from the LinuxDevices Archive — views

(PR excerpt) — McObject has released a fault-tolerant version of its in-memory database for intelligent devices running on Linux. Designed to power embedded systems that cannot afford to fail, eXtremeDB HA delivers the highest degree of reliability, along with its unsurpassed performance and ultra-small footprint.

Process control, telecom and network gear, and other systems with demanding “five-nines” (99.999% up-time) reliability requirements comprise a fast-growing segment of embedded software. Like embedded systems overall, these applications are managing greater volumes of more complex data — creating a need for fast, lightweight databases that can meet their reliability imperative.

Typically, existing fault-tolerance systems use replication schemes to create backup database copies. But replication entails latency from the moment a primary data store is updated, until these changes are propagated to the replica database. Such latency is often unacceptable in time-critical embedded systems. In addition, replication solutions limit the use of secondary databases for load-balancing, since a query might return different results from the primary and secondary databases.

McObject's eXtremeDB High Availability solves these limitations through an innovative architecture, based on a rugged, time-cognizant two-phase commit protocol that ensures changes to the main instance (MI) database and identical standby instances (SI) succeed or fail together. The architecture enables deployment of multiple fully synchronized databases within separate hardware instances, with connection via standard or proprietary communications protocol.

The eXtremeDB HA protocol detects any main instance hardware or software failure and notifies a standby copy of the application to elect one standby database instance to take over the role of master database. Similarly, the protocol recognizes failure in standby database instances, resulting in termination of the SI's connection to the MI database and notification to the application so that corrective measures can be taken.

“In many embedded systems settings, providing for high availability is as critical as minimizing footprint and maximizing responsiveness. eXtremeDB already offers a footprint under 130K RAM and exceptional in-memory performance. With the eXtremeDB High Availability subsystem, McObject solidifies its claim to the best all-around data management solution for Linux-based embedded devices,” McObject President and Co-Founder Steve Graves said.

The eXtremeDB HA beta release, as well as eXtremeDB evaluation software for Linux, is available immediately for evaluation from McObject's website.

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