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IBM launches “Peace, Love, Linux” promotion

Mar 5, 2001 — by Rick Lehrbaum — from the LinuxDevices Archive — 3 views

IBM has just begun an intriguing promotional campaign which features the rallying cry: “Peace, Love, Linux.” You can view the first of this new series of major IBM Linux promotions, an online presentation. Here are a few excerpts from IBM's online Peace, Love, Linux presentation . . .

“IBM spends $5 Billion a year on R&D. And we're putting a billion dollars behind Linux. But even that is nothing compared with what the Linux community will spend spontaneously . . .”

“Why is IBM supporting Linux? Because we admire it, we believe in it, we need it, and it's good for customers . . .”

“Isn't Linux about young rebels wearing sandals and hacking all night? Yes. And no. Yes, in that the Linux movement embodies a spirit of creativity and the 'whatever-it-takes' drive that always accompanies profound change. No, in that the Linux movement has a track record of real accomplishment and discipline that any formal company (large or small) would love to call its own . . .”

“IBM is betting on Linux because its good for the IT industry, good for the Linux community, good for IBM, and good for our customers. The same is not true for some of our competitors who, despite repeated overtures to the 'open philosophy' and the Linux community, remain tied to proprietary legacy systems . . .”

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