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IBM still geeky inside (Upside)

Aug 10, 2000 — by Rick Lehrbaum — from the LinuxDevices Archive — views

Upside commentator Sam Williams conjures up a picturesque perspective on IBM's nifty Linux Wrist Watch project. Williams writes . . .

“I mean, despite the Lou Gerstner makeover, the company still looks like a blue-suited behemoth that out-earns (and outspends) most developing nations. And yet, every once in a while, something beautifully trivial bubbles to the surface, giving a hint of the tortured engineering soul lying just below.”

“Take this week's news. On Monday, the computing giant dangled its latest technical feat — a wristwatch-size computer running an embedded version of the Linux 2.2 kernel — in front of the hypnotized tech media . . .”

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