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IBM “Vikings” seek more Linux conquests

Aug 1, 2000 — by Rick Lehrbaum — from the LinuxDevices Archive — views

Mary Jo Foley, editor of ZDNet News, observes that Linux champion IBM Corp. — which has become increasingly intent on making Linux pervasive on every platform from handhelds to mainframes — is now bringing the Bluetooth wireless protocol to the open-source operating system. Foley writes . . .

” 'It's time. Bluetooth hasn't really taken off because there aren't all that many Bluetooth applications,' said Daniel Jue, manager of IBM's AlphaWorks Web site. 'We believe Linux will encourage more developers to write (for Bluetooth).' “

“Bluetooth is a short-range wireless technology championed by makers of cell phones, PDAs, and other devices. So far, Bluetooth devices actually shipping have been few and far between. Yet a growing number of Linux vendors are targeting the embedded market as a hot investment, thus making a Linux Bluetooth port an interesting prospect.”

“IBM last week announced plans to release its Bluetooth protocol driver as open source. IBM made available on its AlphaWorks site for developers the development toolkit for the Bluetooth Linux port, and simultaneously submitted a draft of its proposal to the Bluetooth Consortium for standardization consideration.”

“IBM has christened its open-source Bluetooth components 'BlueDrekar.' To understand why, a bit of Viking history is in order . . .”

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Related stories:
IBM brings Bluetooth one step closer to Linux
IBM BlueDrekar Bluetooth protocol driver for Linux
The Official Bluetooth Website
The Bluetooth on Linux homepage

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