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IBM whitepaper: Porting OS/2 applications to Linux

Mar 18, 2002 — by LinuxDevices Staff — from the LinuxDevices Archive — views

This online IBM whitepaper summarizes the problems encountered by IBM's LAN Distributed Platform (LANDP) for Linux team whilst porting LANDP from OS/2 to Linux. This paper should be useful to other teams that are porting OS/2 applications to Linux . . .

“. . . we began by developing an abstraction layer. It became apparent early on that the layer would require a lot of additional function. The abstraction layer evolved into a mapping layer. The mapping layer is a shared object that has an interface exactly like the OS/2 interface and tries to mimic the exact behaviour of OS/2. However, LANDP requires only a subset of the OS/2 functionality and therefore the mapping layer is not a full implementation . . .”

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