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Icon expands Embedded Linux software development services

Nov 20, 2000 — by LinuxDevices Staff — from the LinuxDevices Archive — views

West Des Moines, IA — (press release excerpt) — Icon Laboratories today announced the expansion of its embedded Linux software development services. The company has been involved with Linux-based embedded projects for the past 18 months, including telecommunications, broadband wireless networking, and set-top box projects, and has been successful in reducing time-to-market while allowing the client to… maintain control and ownership of their product.

Icon Laboratories provides beginning-to-end software development services to the embedded systems industry — telecommunications, network management, consumer electronics, publishing, and industrial automation. “Our clients are increasingly looking towards embedded Linux for all phases of a project, from prototyping to final delivery,” said Alan Grau, President of Icon Laboratories. “Our capabilities reduce time-to-market for companies utilizing open source technologies.”

“Icon Labs provided us with specific skills and information that were critical to our Linux based project. This company is gold in the set-top and embedded systems space,” said Paz Rheinstein, CTO Emperor Systems Software.

Founded in 1992, Icon Laboratories headquarters are located in West Des Moines, Iowa. Collectively, Icon's engineering staff has over 130 years experience in embedded systems and a reputation for completing projects on time and under budget.

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