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Indrema: a Linux based high-end game console — and more

Jul 6, 2000 — by Rick Lehrbaum — from the LinuxDevices Archive — views

This article, by founder Rick Lehrbaum, takes a close look at a new consumer entertainment system that's based on embedded Linux. By taking advantage of open source software and creating an open gaming development community, a startup called Indrema plans to create a revolution in the high-end game console market. Lehrbaum writes . . .

“This is not your normal consumer electronics company,” I thought. Indrema clearly seemed to have wrapped itself around Linux — in a big way. Questions like “Who are these guys?”, “What are they up to?”, and “What's their angle with respect to open source?” were coursing through my brain cells.

Desiring answers to these and many other questions, I quickly phoned up Indrema's CEO, John Gildred to request an opportunity to chat. A week later, Gildred and I spent an intense hour exploring his new startup's dreams, strategies, product ideas, and open source philosophy. Here's what I learned . . .”

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