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Intel getting inside open source

Apr 10, 2000 — by Rick Lehrbaum — from the LinuxDevices Archive — views

Intel is increasingly throwing its weight behind open source Linux, according ZDNet editor John G. Spooner . . .

“Intel will make its latest effort to get inside the open-source movement — announcing that the upcoming Version 3.0 of Common Data Security Architecture (CDSA), its widely used security software, will become open source when it's released next month.”

” 'On May 15 we will be posting (CDSA) on an Intel server where anyone can freely download the software,' Terry Smith, Intel's CDSA marketing manager, told ZDNet News. 'We'll release an Itanium/Linux version (to open source) in August.' “

“Not many people think of Intel (Nasdaq: INTC), the chip maker, as a software vendor. However, the company is striving to change that image through a range of efforts. These include customizing hardware to support Linux, providing assistance to developers via efforts like the Trillian Project to port Linux to IA-64 and, now, making CDSA open source.”

“. . . 'What we have been doing, and what we will continue to do, is release more and more technology into open source,' Pope said. 'We're continuing to push the technology curve at the platform level. That means we need to ensure features are supported through hardware. Most of what Intel is doing is ensuring those features are fully enabled and tuned for Linux' . . .”

“Those Linux-tuned features will be present in nearly all of Intel's most important products, including its processors, chip sets, input/output standards and security technology, Pope said.”

“Examples abound. Intel will support Linux in its specification for next-generation server input/output, called Infiniband. The company has also made moves to ensure that Linux was available for its forthcoming Itanium processor. Intel is also utilizing Linux for an effort to supply devices, software and hardware building blocks to the Internet appliance market.”

. . . Read full story

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