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Is Stow the best way to manage Linux packages?

Mar 11, 2003 — by LinuxDevices Staff — from the LinuxDevices Archive — views

This article on IBM's developerWorks website is about Stow, a software installation management utility for Linux that offers a number of advantages over the popular Red Hat and Debian package management systems. With Stow, you can package applications in standard tar files and keep application binaries logically arranged for easy access . . .

“Written in Perl and easy to install and use, Stow is simple yet effective for organizing and managing various software installations on a Linux box. Stow is handy for arranging different software packages in a well-organized directory tree structure. This not only helps keep files that belong to a particular software package separate from others, but also gives users the freedom to store or install the software package at any desired location while making the software appear to be installed at the location required by the software package or the OS . . .”

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Note: Stow is free software, released under the GNU General Public License, and is available for download here.

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