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It’s running late, but it’s Linux

May 4, 2000 — by Rick Lehrbaum — from the LinuxDevices Archive — views

Mary Jo Foley of ZDNet News reports on the status of the next official Linux kernel release (v2.4), now expected to arrive this Fall. Foley writes . . .

“A new version of Microsoft Windows? Not this time. It's the next version of the Linux kernel, 2.4, which is about a year behind its promised delivery date.

“While the Windows world is all too accustomed to dealing with delays and vaporware, the Linux camp had until recently enjoyed a fairly regular nine- to 12-month update cycle. But at the current rate of development, Linux 2.4 may not reach final status until October.”

“The father and owner of the Linux trademark, Linus Torvalds, originally had committed to delivering the 2.4 kernel last October. Then, this past spring, he updated his projection to this summer. Sources in the Linux community now say they aren't expecting gold code until late fall.”

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