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KDevelop gains cross-compilation support

Dec 4, 2001 — by LinuxDevices Staff — from the LinuxDevices Archive — views

According to a posting at . . .

“KDevelop's programmer extraordinaire Ralf Nolden has added cross-compilation support to KDevelop. As his initial motivation was to support development for the Zaurus, KDevelop can now be used for developing applications for ARM processors (both the Zaurus and Compaq's iPaq are based on the StrongARM). Screenshots of the new KDevelop features are available here, and information about using this new feature . . . for the Zaurus, as well as the KDevelop announcement, are [in the announcement] below.”


Embedding Made Easy — KDevelop Supports Cross-compilation

Leading Open Source C/C++ IDE Adds Cross-Compilation Support

The KDevelop project today announced that KDevelop, the leading Open Source C/C++ Integrated Development Environment, has been enhanced with capabilities for easy cross-compilation of applications (screenshots).

The changes — including cross-compiler configuration in the setup dialog, a new “--enable-palmtop” configure switch, as well as the ability to create multiple compile configurations — enable developers to specify different options to compile the same project, such as the target OS and target architecture. Developers can then dynamically switch between each configuration and effortlessly compile the same project code for these different platforms.

Given the cross-platform capabilities of KDE/Qt, developers employing these toolkits will benefit especially from these new enhancements. For example, developers can now easily develop applications targeting both the desktop and handheld devices such as Sharp's new Zaurus and Compaq's iPaq PDAs.

An updated version of KDevelop incorporating these enhancements will be released as soon as the new features are regarded stable (probably within the next two weeks). In the meantime, developers can test it by downloading KDevelop from KDE CVS.

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