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Kontron to bundle Wind River CGL

Oct 16, 2006 — by LinuxDevices Staff — from the LinuxDevices Archive — views

Wind River has announced that its Carrier Grade Linux distribution will be bundled with Kontron's “next-generation” ATCA (advanced telecommunications computing architecture), MicroTCA, and AMC (advanced mezzanine card) hardware products. Additionally, Kontron has joined Wind River's partner program.

Kontron previously partnered with CGL provider MontaVista when it first brought out ATCA-based systems, about two years ago.

Wind River says that its Platform for Network Equipment, Linux Edition (PNE-LE), combined with Kontron's standards-based components, creates a “complete COTS-based platform.” Using COTS (commercial, off-the-shelf) hardware and software simplifies product development, according to the company.

Wind River touts its unique ability to serve as a single-vendor source for both Carrier Grade Linux and its proprietary RTOS (real-time OS) VxWorks, which has long been popular on data/signal plane processing boards. PNE-LE includes a standards-based IPC mechanism (interprocess communications) said to facilitate interoperation with VxWorks-based components of distributed systems.

Additional key standards and APIs supported by PNE-LE are said to include:

  • CGL 3.2
  • Service Availability Forum's (SAF's) HPI (hardware platform interface) specification
  • Intel's IPMI (intelligent platform management interface)

Kontron competitor Mercury Systems also recently partnered with Wind River on CGL for ATCA equipment.


Initially, PNE-LE will be available for and bundled with Kontron's AT8001 ATCA processor board, AM4001 AMC module, and AT8020 ATCA processor board. PNE-LE also supports many other popular telecom boards, Wind River says.

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