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Learning to Use X11 [Linux Journal]

Apr 29, 2002 — by LinuxDevices Staff — from the LinuxDevices Archive — 2 views

Philipp K. Janert provides a tutorial discussing how to use X11 'fully and effectively' in this online Linux Journal article . . .

“When I started programming many years ago, on a system very, very different from what we use now, producing graphical output from programs was easy; all the necessary commands were usually built right into the language. Later, when I moved to C and UNIX, things were no longer simple. Not only does C not include any graphics manipulation functions, per se, but all graphical output in UNIX has to go through the standard UNIX windowing system: the X Window System, release 11, version 6.6 (its current incarnation), or X11 for short . . .”

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