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Lineo gets new funding and hopes for profit by summer [Newsforge]

Apr 13, 2002 — by LinuxDevices Staff — from the LinuxDevices Archive — views

Writing at Newsforge, Steven J. Vaughan-Nichols interviews Lineo CEO Matt Harris about Lineo's new funding and the future of the company. Vaughan-Nichols writes . . .

“Life with Lineo has been a roller coaster ride lately. The embedded Linux company fortune's have been up, with the release of the Lineo powered Embedix Plus Sharp Zaurus PDA, and Lineo has been down with recent layoffs and a cash crunch. Today, with a complete recapitalization, Lineo could be back on an even ride.”

That new funding, the amount of which was not officially disclosed, comes with a price, though. After the reorganization, The Canopy Group will have a controlling interest in the company. Matt Harris, CEO and president, will still be in charge of the company from day to day, but he'll also be meeting with Lineo's board of directors twice a month . . . “

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