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Lineo releases upgrades to embedded and HA Linux offerings

Nov 8, 2000 — by LinuxDevices Staff — from the LinuxDevices Archive — views

Maastricht, the Netherlands — (press release excerpt) — at the Embedded Systems Conference (Europe) today, embedded Linux provider Lineo, Inc. announced the shipment of enhanced versions of Availix, a high availability clustering Linux solution, and Embedix, the company's flagship embedded Linux operating system.

Embedix SDK 1.2 now supports the PowerPC processor family including cross-compilation allowing deployment across various processor families. Additionally, Lineo's hard real-time offerings, derived from the acquisition of Zentropix earlier this year, have now been included within the Embedix SDK. The Embedix SDK includes two popular integrated development environments (IDEs), Metrowerks CodeWarrior and KDevelop. KDevelop allows developers to export a developed package into a source RPM which can then be optimized by Lineo's Library Reduction Technology also known as LIPO. Metrowerks CodeWarrior combines an editor, compiler, linker, and debugger into one integrated application. One of the key functions of the Embedix SDK is provided by Target Wizard, which provides an easy-to-use development tool that automates the process of creating a minimized size OS image.

Availix 1.1 is the first official shipment of Lineo's high availability Linux offering. According to a Lineo source, the “point one” represents “the added functionality” that came as a result of comprehensive beta testing performed over the last few months on the initial offering of INUP before they became Lineo France. Availix offers 99.999 percent availability, redundancy and scalability for providers of e-commerce and telecommunication infrastructure. Availix supports Pentium and PowerPC boards on CompactPCI. The cluster distributes network-type services, such as web servers, SMTP, FTP, Radius, voice-over-IP or DNS, across a multiprocessor system. Among its other features, Availix allows system administrators to hotswap redundant hardware components in a cluster without rebooting the cluster. These redundant components include the cPCI bus arbiter board, cluster controller board and the cluster node boards.

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