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Lineo rolls out 2nd generation Embedded Linux SDK

Apr 2, 2001 — by LinuxDevices Staff — from the LinuxDevices Archive — 3 views

Lindon, UT — (press release excerpt) — Lineo Inc. today announced the availability of Lineo Embedix Software Development Kit (SDK) 2.0, a powerful development environment for configuring, customizing, and deploying Linux-based embedded software solutions.

Lineo Embedix SDK 2.0 levels the playing field between Linux and proprietary embedded operating system providers by offering new and updated features designed to remove barriers faced by embedded developers and decrease an OEM's time-to-market. Lineo Embedix SDK 2.0 provides more comprehensive processor support as well as a new “snap-in” architecture for the dynamic addition of new hardware and software support and features. Embedix SDK 2.0 is tested to run on all major Linux distributions as well as Windows NT and 2000.

“In Lineo's drive to remove the barriers common in embedded development, Lineo Embedix SDK 2.0 provides a complete tool suite of immediate solutions for OEMs,” said Bryan Sparks, Lineo CEO. “Lineo has always focused on providing a rich feature set in our previous Embedix SDK releases. Now that we've achieved a highly robust feature set in our SDK 2.0, we have expanded our focus to include enabling support for an ever-increasing group of processor families — more than any other embedded Linux company supports today — while providing the most advanced software features available.”

Lineo Embedix SDK 2.0 supports the following processor families:

  • ARM
  • Super Hitachi
  • Intel IA32, AMD x86
  • Motorola PowerPC

The Embedix SDK 2.0 snap-in architecture eliminates the bottleneck that typically prohibits developers from programming to the unique and specialized processors required by custom jobs. New software capabilities, such as USB, SMP, GUI, Bluetooth and others, can now be snapped seamlessly into the Embedix SDK 2.0 by the developer, eliminating the need for a middleman to add these capabilities. The Embedix SDK 2.0 snap-in architecture will feature a broad selection of snap-in hardware and software to help speed time-to-market for OEMs as well as to enable quick response to a developer's evolving needs.

Embedix SDK 2.0 now runs on all major Linux distributions including Open Linux 2.4 and Red Hat 6.2. Lineo Embedix SDK is also available to thousands of Windows developers in a virtual Linux environment on Windows 2000 and Windows NT.

Embedix SDK 2.0 features a new Target Wizard enhanced with pre-compiled libraries and improved conflict resolution that includes fine-grained control of compiler flags and build instructions, all designed to reduce time-to-market for OEMs. Target Wizard in the Embedix SDK 2.0 will feature wizard capabilities that lead the developer through the deployment process. Specialized wizards, that will soon be available for download off Lineo's website, include a “Getting Started Wizard” and dedicated device wizards such as a “router wizard.”

Pricing and Availability

Lineo's Embedix SDK 2.0 for Linux is now available for sale. Pricing is $4,995 for the first single developer seat license, and $4,995 for five additional developer seat licenses after the purchase of one initial developer seat license. Lineo Embedix SDK 2.0 ships in April.

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