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Linux 2.4: Is it soup yet?

Aug 2, 2000 — by LinuxDevices Staff — from the LinuxDevices Archive — 1 views

Mary Jo Foley, editor at ZDNet News, observes that Linux 2.4 definitely isn't “soup” yet, with the result that Linux distributors are currently faced with dilemma of choosing between building new products around the older kernel, or using the beta, bleeding-edge version. Foley speaks with representatives of Red Hat and Caldera about their plans relative to kernel 2.4, and also includes some comments on… the subject from Linus Torvalds. Foley writes . . .

“Linux distributors are finding themselves caught between a rock and a hard place, in terms of timing. The next version of the Linux kernel — Version 2.4 — isn't expected to be finalized until some time this fall.”

“Thus the major Linux vendors, who are in the midst of updating their product lines, are finding themselves faced with an unsavory choice — to build products around the older 2.2 kernel, or release products that incorporate a beta kernel.”

” . . . 'At this point, all basic known issues have been resolved, which is a good thing,” [said] Torvalds. “It obviously doesn't mean that I'll release 2.4 tomorrow, though.”

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