Linux-based HP touchscreen PC debuts in India
Dec 3, 2010 — by Eric Brown — from the LinuxDevices Archive — 6 viewsLater this month, HP will launch a Linux-based all-in-one PC in India. The HP DreamScreen 400 is said to offer an Intel processor and an 18.5-inch touchscreen, as well as an India focused custom design and user interface inspired by interviews with 2,600 Indians.
The HP DreamScreen 400 was "developed in India for India", according to HP's press release. The all-in-one computer's UI and spec was inspired by interviews with 2,600 Indians, followed by extensive prototype testing in 200 homes, says a story on The Register, which alerted us to the product.
The DreamScreen was developed in partnership with Indigram Skill, as well as Knowledge Initiatives Private Limited (iSKIP), "a social venture with an aim to instill economic security through skills training," says HP.
"We sat with people in their homes and really listened to what was important to them," stated Phil McKinney, head of the Innovation Program Office and vice president and chief technology officer, Personal Systems Group, HP. "They inspired us. To serve kids, their parents and their grandparents sharing a household — sharing one device — that was our goal."

HP DreamScreen 400
(Click to enlarge)
HP itself did not mention Linux, but The Register claims the device "almost certainly" runs the open source operating system.

DreamScreen 400 from an angle
The video also mentions some applications that are specifically targeted at India. These include Bollywood movies, as well as "Live Darshan" live video feeds of religious services from around India.
HP has manufactured several Windows-based all-in-one systems in recent years, including some Intel-based TouchSmart models that are already on sale in India, says The Register. These all appear to be 20- or 23-inch models, however.
HP also sells an 18.5-inch HP Pro All-in-one MS200 Business PC (pictured above) that was released a year ago in the U.S., according to our sister publication, WindowsForDevices. The MS200 is essentially identical to an earlier consumer model called the Pavilion MS200. The HP MS200 lacks touchscreen support and uses a 1.5GHz AMD Athlon processor instead of Intel chip.
As with the TouchSmart models, the MS200 design differs from the DreamScreen 400 except for the similar screen size. In fact, the DreamScreen actually looks more like the 18.5-inch MSI Wind Top design used by the new Linux-based Telikin all-in-one-PC.
HP commercial for DreamScreen 400 on YouTube
Source: HP India
(Click to play)
The HP DreamScreen will go on sale around India later this month for 19,999 Rupees plus tax (about $442), according to HP. Registration for availability notification may be found at an HP page, here.
HP's U.S. announcement may be found here, and the Indian announcement here. The story in The Register may be found here.
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