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Linux digs in at embedded systems show []

Mar 18, 2002 — by LinuxDevices Staff — from the LinuxDevices Archive — views

Matt Berger, of IDG News Service reported on the growing Embedded Linux trend that was unleashed at the Embedded Systems Conference last week in San Francisco. Berger wrote . . .

“Making a concerted appeal to the crowd will be a number of Linux software companies who hope the open source operating system can win over developers who historically have turned to software designed in house, or by companies such as Wind River Systems Inc., which makes a popular operating system for embedded devices.”

” 'For consumer products like wireless PDAs (personal digital assistants) and smart phones, Linux is being touted as a viable operating system because it is well suited for devices that have limited available memory. Linux also consumes less power than some other operating systems and developers have the flexibility of sharing Linux software code,' said Stacey Quandt, an analyst for Giga Information Group Inc. 'It's not a mature market so there's a lot of potential for Linux to make inroads,' she said . . .”

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