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Linux finds new world to dominate: batch data collection terminals

Mar 16, 2004 — by LinuxDevices Staff — from the LinuxDevices Archive — views

Handheld specialist Intermec plans to ship what it believes to be the first low-cost batch data collection terminal based on Linux. The ruggedized “CK1” key-entry handheld runs a 2.4 uClinux kernel, supports off-the-shelf use as barcode scanner and linear imager, and is extensible through several application development… environments. The device targets parcel pickup and delivery, retail inventory management, medical/pharmaceutical applications, or light industrial use.

As the first Linux-based batch data collection terminal to run Linux, the CK1 offers functional advantages over other handhelds at the same price point, Intermec says.

Find out more about the future of Linux in the batch data collection terminal market in our complete Device Profile of Intermec's CK1.

Device Profile: Intermec CK1 batch data collection terminal

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