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Linux gains government agency support worldwide

Nov 16, 2000 — by Rick Lehrbaum — from the LinuxDevices Archive — views

eWEEK's Peter Galli reports that government officials throughout the world are increasingly supporting Linux and other open source software. Galli writes . . .

“The message is coming out of the Linux community, loud and clear: The open-source operating system is here to stay in the United States and around the world.”

“There's no shortage of evidence to support this, particularly as large vendors such as IBM continue to embrace and actively promote the platform. Federal agencies are also turning to Linux; they recently called on Linux vendors to work aggressively toward its certification and approval, thereby giving agencies a much-wanted alternative to proprietary software, notably Windows systems from Microsoft Corp.”

“In addition, Linux vendors, including Red Hat Inc., SuSE Inc., TurboLinux Inc. and VA Linux Systems Inc., said there are already significant increases in deployment across local and state government agencies, as there are far fewer licensing and approval issues involved. Adding fuel to the fire, a number of Asian governments have recently embraced the Linux platform.”

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