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Linux watch counts down to launch [ZDNet]

Mar 8, 2002 — by LinuxDevices Staff — from the LinuxDevices Archive — views

Writing for ZDNet UK, Matt Loney previews the Linux-powered 'WatchPad' — a collaboration between IBM and Citizen watch. Loney writes . . .

” . . . IBM will be showing the latest version of its prototype Linux watch at CeBIT this month. The WatchPad, is the result of IBM's collaboration with watchmaker Citizen, and was first unveiled last October, but this will be its first big public outing . . . ”

” . . . WatchPad 1.5 features a pager-like application for sending and receiving short messages. It also has Bluetooth and infrared connectivity for connection to a notebook PC, and a fingerprint sensor for user — or wearer — authentication . . . “

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