News Archive (1999-2012) | 2013-current at LinuxGizmos | Current Tech News Portal |    About upgrades home page and search function

Apr 10, 2000 — by Rick Lehrbaum — from the LinuxDevices Archive — views

Have you noticed a change to We've added a more sophisticated search function and revised the home page. We'll be posting special items of interest on the right-hand column of the home page, so watch that space for the latest postings. Want to know the easiest way to get to the home page? Just click on Tux's tummy ;)

Be sure to try the new site search function. It allows you to search all databases on the site at once, and also gives you the option of using multiple keywords, in an AND, OR, or EXACT MATCH manner, plus you can sort the results by either date or by best match (only matters with OR function). Also, in case you haven't noticed, we've incorporated the enhanced search mechanism into the header of nearly all sections of the site, to make it easier to locate those hard-to-find bits of Embedded Linux information.

We hope you like the changes and want to say . . . thanks for using — “the Embedded Linux Portal”!

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