News Archive (1999-2012) | 2013-current at LinuxGizmos | Current Tech News Portal |    About launches Linux Metacrawler

Mar 6, 2000 — by LinuxDevices Staff — from the LinuxDevices Archive — views is proud to announce a metacrawler service to complement its existing search facilities.

The metacrawler allows you to search for Linux related enquiries from the following search engines: Aol, DirectHit, Excite, Lycos, Msn, Netscape and Yahoo. In addition, the web search facility allows you to make specialised targeted searches from hundreds of dedicated sites. For example a search in our Usenet category will target AltavistaNews, Deja, Jumbo, RemarQ, ShareWare and TalkWay or a search in our MP3 section will target Astraweb, MP3, Mp3Lycos, OthNet, PlayDude & ToLook4.

The metacrawler service is available at and will be incorporated into the FirstLinux search engines shortly. Sites are not verified before inclusion in web crawler databases (unlike so we cannot guarantee the quality of information provided by the engine. This is the search to try if you cannot find what you want in the LinuxLinks database.

Linux Metacrawler represents an addditional free service provided by the network.

This article was originally published on and has been donated to the open source community by QuinStreet Inc. Please visit for up-to-date news and articles about Linux and open source.

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