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LinuxPlanet: Why BSD Matters

Mar 9, 2000 — by Rick Lehrbaum — from the LinuxDevices Archive — views

Kevin Reichard writes at . . .

“The biggest news for Linux users this week didn't concern Linux — at least not directly. The biggest news concerned BSDi (Berkeley Systems Design, Inc.) and Walnut Creek CD-ROM, which is the primary backer of FreeBSD. The two entities will merge, forming a company called BSD Inc. The end result will be a combination of FreeBSD and BSD/OS, available in both commercial and freely available versions.”

“Why is this important for Linux? Because Linux and BSD are rather intertwined, in many ways. Certainly key technologies in Linux, like networking utilities and the TCP/IP stack, originate in the BSD world. Although BSD has been around longer and features an impressive base, Linux is the glamour OS and has significantly raised the profile of freely available operating systems. In addition, Jordan Hubbard, one of the movers and shakers behind FreeBSD, has also been working with Linux luminaries to more closely align the two operating systems towards some level of joint future development, mostly relating to binary compatibilities.”

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