Microsoft expo tunes into the home [CNET]
Apr 16, 2002 — by LinuxDevices Staff — from the LinuxDevices Archive — viewsCNET's technology editor Stephen Shankland reports on what is expected to take place at this week's Windows Hardware Engineering Conference (WinHEC), hosted by Microsoft in Seattle, WA. Shankland says the following key topics and technologies are on the WinHEC agenda . . .
- New software components to enable true peer-to-peer application development on Windows
- Version 2 of… Universal Plug and Play (UPnP)
- Universal Audio Architecture (UAA)
- Technologies that would better link handheld computers with the rest of Microsoft's universe
- Microsoft's support for DVD+RW
- Suggested ways use a remote control on a PC (known as “Freestyle”)
- Suggested ways to design Tablet PCs
- Explanations of “Mira”, a smart display similar in appearance to the Tablet PC
- Improvements to servers as well as PCs, including iSCSI
“Microsoft's work to enhance home PCs will begin spilling out to industry partners this week as engineers arrive in Seattle to hear the latest ideas about DVD, audio, video and other consumer computing technology.”
“Through its eHome initiative, Microsoft is hard at work trying to make PCs better for the home, especially now that the machines have finally achieved much of the long-awaited ability to do the same jobs as stereo and TV components. This week, the company will brief engineers on developments in writing DVD discs, using PCs to record TV shows, controlling PCs with a remote control, setting up home networks and revamping computer audio systems . . .”
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