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Microsoft’s one-two punch for handhelds [ZDNet]

Sep 4, 2001 — by Rick Lehrbaum — from the LinuxDevices Archive — views

Richard Shim of ZDNet News reports that Microsoft will hit Palm with a double whammy next week when it announces two new versions of its operating system for handheld computers. Shim writes . . .

“The software giant will announce a low-end and high-end version of its upcoming Pocket PC 2002 OS on Sept. 6 at the Demomobile conference in La Jolla, CA, sources familiar with company's plans say. The new versions of the OS, code-named Merlin, will resemble Microsoft's upcoming Windows XP desktop OS and add 802.11b wireless networking capabilities and security . . .”

“Although one source said the new versions of the OS are 'incremental' upgrades to the current Pocket PC OS, another said they are exactly what Microsoft needs to stave off Palm from increasing its presence in the emerging corporate market for handhelds . . .”

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