MontaVista posts Vision videos
Oct 21, 2008 — by Eric Brown — from the LinuxDevices Archive — viewsMontaVista has posted slides and videos from sessions given at its recent Vision 2008 Embedded Linux Developers Conference. Free with registration, the videos feature Freescale's Lisa T. Su, Intel's Peter Kronowitt, OLPC's Deepak Saxena, and MontaVista CTO Jim Ready and CEO Rusty Harris (pictured).
Held earlier this month in San Francisco, the Vision 2008 conference hosted attendees from 116 different companies and 17 countries, says MontaVista. Technical sessions were presented by experts from companies including Access, Emerson Network Power, Freescale, IBM, Motorola, Texas Instruments (TI), Wipro, and Xilinx. The presentations covered a wide range of topics, ranging from virtualization to multi-core processors.

Left to right, MontaVista's Jim Ready, OLPC's Deepak Saxena, and Freescale's Lisa T. Su
Slides and videos are available for the following presentations, with each name linking directly to the appropriate presentation page:
- Rusty Harris, MontaVista CEO, on MontaVista design wins from Sony TVs to Dell's Latitude ON quick-boot feature to a voluntary cow milking machine
- Lisa T. Su, CTO of Freescale, on the growing use of processor simulation before processor hardware is available
- Peter Kronowitt, Intel software strategist, on Linux in mobile Internet devices (MIDs) and the benefits of Moblin
Bill Mills - William (Bill) Mills, CTO for open Linux at Texas Instruments, on TI's new strategy for working more closely with the embedded Linux community
- Jonathan Corbet, editor, on changes to the Linux kernel, and the need for greater involvement by embedded developers
- Deepak Saxena, kernel developer for One Laptop Per Child (OLPC), on “unusual power management challenges” (which presumably has more to do with voltage leaks than with the rift between the OLPC's Nicholas Negroponte and SugarLabs's Walter Bender)
- Jim Ready, CTO and founder of MontaVista, on changes in embedded device engineering since the early days of MontaVista
Selected slides and videos from Vision 2008 presentations should be available now, with registration, here. More videos will be added later this week, says MontaVista.
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