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Motorola joins Linux hit parade

Mar 7, 2000 — by Rick Lehrbaum — from the LinuxDevices Archive — views

David Raikow writes, in [email protected] Reseller . . .

“The Motorola Inc. division claimed HA Linux will offer 99.999 percent availability, a rating commonly called “five nines,” amounting to no more than five minutes of downtime per year. HA Linux is aimed at large, high-end telecommunications applications that require extreme stability, such as call servers and IP gateways.”

“David Peters, Motorola… director of strategic partnerships, said the HA Linux project came in response to specific requests from its telecom customers. 'Our partners wanted a Linux that met their particular needs,' he said. Peters said he sees a place for HA Linux in other markets as well. 'We expect to see deployment in Web servers, certainly. There's also demand for this kind of OS for other mission-critical applications: component testing, medical/diagnostic apps, possibly military and aerospace settings,' he said”

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