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MS releases Windows XP Embedded beta 2

Sep 4, 2001 — by LinuxDevices Staff — from the LinuxDevices Archive — views

Redmond, WA — (press release excerpt) — Microsoft today announced the release of Windows XP Embedded beta 2, a componentized version of the Windows XP operating system intended for building reliable and full-featured smart, connected client devices. Windows XP Embedded beta 2 provides enhanced security and reliability, the latest OS functionality, increased connectivity, and improved development tools… to ease development and reduce time-to-market. Beta 2 will be broadly available free on CD through the Windows XP Embedded Technology Preview Program. With more than 10,000 components, Windows XP Embedded will help developers deliver rich, innovative solutions such as Windows-based terminals, residential gateways, retail point-of-sale devices and advanced set-top boxes.

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