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Multithreaded multimedia Linux stack runs on Sigma DVD chips

Aug 5, 2004 — by LinuxDevices Staff — from the LinuxDevices Archive — views

Taiwanese embedded software firm EzHomeTech has updated its software platform for Linux- and uClinux-based video-on-demand systems, media adapters, portable media players, and home gateways. SoC Software Platform (SSP) 2.1 provides a “high performance, multithreaded, media streaming embedded GUI system” for Sigma Designs 8550 and 8620 embedded processors, the company says.

Sigma Designs 8500- and 8600-series SoCs are inexpensive ARM-based system-on-chips (SoCs) popular in DVD players and other multimedia devices. The 8500-series chips are simple ARM7 based devices that run uClinux, while the more advanced 8620 chip includes hardware acceleration for a number of multimedia formats.

According to EzHomeTech, SSP 2.1 defines a set of GDI, windowing, media streaming, and multithread APIs that enable applications to create windows, controls, and transfer media concurrently. SSP includes:

  • Program Manager: Start SSP applications, Send/Receive messages with applications and present user interface in HTML format.
  • Video Player — real-time play WM9, Divx, MPEG1/2 files by streaming on Ethernet.
  • Audio Player — real-time play MP3 and WMA files by streaming on Ethernet.
  • JPEG Player: play JPEG files

A software development kit (SDK) is available with SSP, and it includes:

  • Embedded graphical library — complete embedded library with all necessary graphical routines.
  • Embedded Media Streaming library– streaming library for media transferred on Internet and Intranet.
  • Embedded Multi-Thread library — enables many applications to run concurrently on SSP
  • SSP 2.1 Programming Guide ready to print in PDF-format
  • SSP2.1 API Reference Guide ready to print in PDF-format
  • SSP2.1 Running Time Environment
  • The source code of samples running on SSP 2.1
  • The source code of Remote Controller driver

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