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New embedded Linux resource website BLASTS off

Jul 10, 2000 — by LinuxDevices Staff — from the LinuxDevices Archive — views

BLAST Inc. (Pittsboro, NC) has launched a new website dedicated to the embedded Linux market: In his announcement of the site, BLAST president Steve Rogers said “ is dedicated to gathering and presenting the most comprehensive index of information on embedded Linux. OEM's, developers and Linux enthusiasts will be able to easily locate information on the companies, projects, hardware and software that influence the embedded Linux marketplace.” was developed by Rogers, along with contributions from Kevin Bond and Sam Hudson, also from BLAST, and Kathleen Conroy and Mark Estill of EMJ Embedded Systems Inc. “ was created out of my research on the Web,” added Rogers. “I was gathering information on the embedded Linux and open source marketplace and was continually frustrated that the information I was seeking was diffused and difficult to find.”

“As I was building my own catalog of links,” continued Rogers, “I was inspired to begin creating the comprehensive index of embedded Linux links that have become We are excited to announce and hope it is found to be a valuable resource. In the spirit of open source projects, I would like to encourage others to suggest links and modifications to our site that will make it even more useful for us all.” offers several services to users including: automatic email notification of additions and modifications; search engine for its index and links to a variety of other search engines; users can suggest additions and modifications to the indexes and will be notified upon acceptance of their suggestions. The site also accepts and will publish press releases and announcements of interest to the embedded Linux community.

About Blast (

In 1993, BLAST, Inc. acquired US Robotics subsidiary Communications Research Group, Inc. along with its principal asset, the BLAST product line. BLAST software is a file transfer automation product which, wrapped by a powerful scripting language, supplies a variety of file transfer protocols to facilitate automation of file transfers and other communications tasks over network and serial connections.

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