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New Web Site for Linux based PLCs

Jan 5, 2000 — by LinuxDevices Staff — from the LinuxDevices Archive — views

Ken Crater wrote . . .

Progress report from here (…

1. There is a new domain name, which we're now waiting to propagate to the toplevel domain name servers. This will point to the host site for the project.

2. A site for the development community is being installed, using the services of Zope (an open source product). This will allow online playing with code, commentary, etc.

3. We've established a maillist, linuxplc, which is set up using Mailman under Linux (yes, they're both open source products ). This will converge with the domain name tomorrow, and will then be ready for subscribers. We'll send out a message when it's ready.

4. Although perhaps premature, a CVS (source code repository) is in the works. We're basically waiting for something to put in it (hint).

5. A discussion is under way with our Intellectual Property counsel about licensing approaches. There are some real issues here, that require real legal advice. For instance, the standard GPL might (*might*) be interpreted as requiring user programs (i.e., the program for running your machinery) to be given away. Obviously, this is not the intent, and would inhibit the use of the system. We'll need a license which insures free distribution of the controller code, but provides the user community with the necessary assurances to support its use. There's a lot of discussion about such issues on the net, but legal advice obtained on the net is worth about what you pay for it .

Things are happening quickly!

Regards to all,

Ken Crater, President Inc.
[email protected]

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