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NMS adds Linux for Telco Equipment Providers

Mar 1, 2002 — by LinuxDevices Staff — from the LinuxDevices Archive — views

Framingham, MA — (press release exerpt) — NMS Communications introduced the first Linux version of its Natural Access development environment. Now equipment providers can readily create Linux-based, next-generation telecommunications solutions such as speech-driven services, conferencing, IVR, unified messaging, IP gateways, voice portals, and customer contact centers.

By bringing Linux support to Natural Access, the company expands the range of choice available to equipment providers that are building telecommunications systems based on NMS hardware and software technology.

Natural Access is the modular runtime and development environment for NMS Communications' voice, fax and call processing platforms. Independent of the underlying operating system and communications protocol, Natural Access software furnishes a simple, consistent standard application programming interface (API) for integrating and presenting media and telecommunications capabilities to an application. This significantly speeds time to market, because after an application has been developed for a specific operating system or protocol, it can easily be ported to others without impact to the application.

Natural Access for Linux offers a comprehensive range of standard features that include telephony call control, voice record and playback, tone detection and generation and industry-standard H.100/H.110 (CT Bus) switching support. The powerful software is extensible, seamlessly integrating fax, voice over IP, and speech recognition capabilities into the environment.

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