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Open Source 101 for lawyers

Sep 10, 2002 — by LinuxDevices Staff — from the LinuxDevices Archive — views

A seminar entitled “Secure, Legal and Cheap: The Benefits of Open Source Software” will take place on Sept. 17, 2002 from 11:30 am to 1:30 pm at the Barristers Club of the Bar Association of San Francisco. The speakers will be Holden Aust, Christian Einfeldt, and Josh Berkus. Here is a brief description of the content which will be covered . . .

“Many lawyers still don't know what OS means, or else they think that OS always means Operating System. This seminar will address that. Briefly, we will distinguish open source from closed; we will discuss the nature of the GPL very briefly; we will show how the path for migrating from Windows to Linux is becoming increasing easier to manage; we will show how Open Office can effectively replace about 85% to 95% of work which is done in law offices; we will talk about security, reliability and speed advantages of open source software; increased ROI for OS, and reduced TCO of OS; and we will also briefly address ethical issues confronting attorneys resulting from the content lockdown proposed by TCPA, Palladium, and the recent Intel 'security' chip announcement.”

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