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Open Source software means “professionalism”

Dec 3, 2003 — by LinuxDevices Staff — from the LinuxDevices Archive — views

The Consulting Times has published an article by veteran computer lab manager Tom Adelstein that addresses some common fallacies and myths about open software and makes a strong business case for the sound scientific principles behind open source development.

Entitled “How to Misunderstand Open Source Software Development,” the article addresses:

  • Open Standards Understood
  • The Precipitating Accounting Event
  • Standards Making Bodies
  • The Lunacy of Closed Proprietary Models
  • Misconceptions for All to See
  • Addressing Misconceptions
  • False Notion of Ad Hoc Development
  • If We Used a Closed Development Process
  • Back to Open Source
  • Code Control
  • Public or Private
  • How the Open Source Development Provides Efficiency
  • How Open Source Tools Improve the Software Development Environment
  • What do Existing Development Squads Need to Transition
  • Concluding Remarks

Mr. Adelstein concludes, “I wrote this article to help instill a sense of confidence about Open Source development in those who have not experienced it.”

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